The Invisible Blueprint: Your Guide to Crafting Destiny

The lucidity of life is experienced in the invisible. As much as we have our physical senses to navigate the world, the heart of our experiences are shaped by the unseen - emotions, thoughts, dreams and intuition. 

Have you ever felt the pull of a future you can't see with your physical eyes, but you deeply believe it?  It’s not sight in the sense of physical eyesight, but rather in the form of a mental projection - almost as if we have a mental code that can program a vision in our minds. This projection is so real, so vivid you can feel it rushing through you. You call it a calling. You assign it as your destiny. 

We all possess traits and inclinations that we didn’t necessarily ‘choose’ but they can help us pave and walk along our respective life paths. The concept of a life path is something that humanity has always tried to make sense of, and this acknowledgement of an ‘assigned life’ has been recorded and explained through various practices and belief systems.

I’ve recently completed ‘Spirits Come From Water,’ a transformative read beautifully written by Ehime Ora. Conversations sharing sentiments about destiny deeply resonated within me. We meditated over the internal feeling of remembering that our soul chose its journey. From this we’ve all been gifted with talents and traits uniquely crafted for our cosmic journey.

Regardless of belief, we can all agree that everyone has a unique life. (Although sometimes there are those eerie moments where we meet someone who appears to have shared the same life as us). Yes, we can be similar but when we really get right down into the core, it’s clear that there’s truly no such thing as a human carbon copy.

Alan Watts famously said, “you are the universe experiencing itself.” On the surface this phrase can come across as some ‘new age manifestation talk,’ but let’s take a moment to dissect this and how it relates to our chosen destinies. 

I fondly remember a meaningful conversation I had with my friend. We explored the question: Do our experiences define who we are? 

To a certain extent, I believe they can, but as previously mentioned, the heart of our experiences are shaped by the unseen. We can see the occurrence of events, but our emotional and mental processes to interpret them, and respond to them, are invisible. So it’s not necessarily the experience shaping us, but it’s our responses - some of which we don’t choose because they are influenced by our natural temperament (along with some social conditioning - where we still possess different conditions). This is why two people can experience the same thing, but still have polarising outcomes. And this is how the universe is experiencing ‘being the universe’ -  that is the place where infinite possibilities exist. It's through these subtle and intricate differences between us that the universe is able to experience being infinite and a place where anything can happen - literally. 

This same principle applies to that dream and vision that rests deep within you. We all have a deep desire for something. A certain path seems to tug on your heart strings just a little bit more than any other possible voyage you could explore. There’s a reason behind this. And there’s a reason why you were born possessing certain traits and characteristics that assist you as you pursue your inclinations. Our soul carefully chose our journey.

As we move along life there are events and people we encounter who will unlock the keys to self discovery. We have our entire lifetime to explore, unwrap and develop our gifts. As parts of our internal selves are illuminated, we merge this with insights from the external world where pockets of infinite opportunities and possibilities are scattered everywhere across time. They quietly and patiently anticipate your decisions and how you choose to alchemise them. This is the process of constructing our destinies. 

The journey of crafting destiny is an intimate one,  but it's not just an individual pursuit. As a fragment of the human ecosystem, it deeply intertwines with the paths of others. The unique perspectives we form assist us with our movements, becoming of service to the vocations of the soul. Our desires have a pull on us because they require our specific way of seeing, interpreting and innovating. The insights born from our own enlightenment, ripple outwards, making shifts not just in our personal lives, but also within the collective consciousness itself. As we share our stories, exchange information, we’re creating a cycle where we’re continuously in a rhythm of teaching and learning from each other, helping to build each other up.

Since our personal destinies are shaped by both internal choices and external forces, we can see them as a collaboration between ourselves, the world, and the unseen. When we pave out our paths, it’s important to do our best at relinquishing total control over the journey. It’s a given that curveballs and hiccups will come your way, and out of no doings of your own. Destiny is about working with the cards we’ve been dealt, rather than wishing we could’ve been given another deck.

Many of us are also in positions where zero demarcation lies between our purpose and societal career paths and achievements. We can have nudges that push us towards these, as they can serve as guiding points, but destiny is not solely about achieving what is clear cut and defined. It goes beyond the typical portrayal of what a ‘successful life’ looks like.

 We don’t have to worry about fully knowing what’s out there and how everything will play out. That simply isn't how the process works because it honours both our free will and forces beyond us. All that destiny asks for is our presence and to be more intentional about trusting the ideas given to us, following our inspirations and letting those intuitive pulls guide us. It’s a delicate and ongoing process of becoming, where we learn to center our hearts on growth, love and devotion to form us into oracles of quiet transformations. 

Until the next wave

- Miss A


Rekindling Creativity: Nostalgia, Doubt, and the Unexpected


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